
ClickFunnels Radio

Are you ready to unlock the secrets of successful online marketing and sales funnels? Look no further! ClickFunnels Radio returns with cohosts Chris Cameron and Ben Harris, who are here to inspire and guide you on your entrepreneurial journey. Each episode of ClickFunnels Radio will be jam-packed with valuable insights, inspiring success stories, and practical tips that you can implement in your own business. We will dive deep into topics such as: -Funnel Building Strategies -Email Marketing -Traffic Generation -Conversion Optimization -AND MUCH MORE!!! Find more at
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ClickFunnels Radio









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Now displaying: 2019
Oct 3, 2019

On this episode Dave talks about some of the big changes that are going to be happening to the Funnel Hacker Radio podcast. The biggest change being the name going back to Clickfunnels Radio. Here are some things he talks about:

  • The reasons why the name was changed in the first place, and why it’s now changing back
  • How the format of personal stories and advice will be mixed with expert “dream 100” interviews
  • How the advertising strategies will change
  • And a real failure story to help you avoid making the same mistakes in your business

So listen in to hear how about all the new and exciting changes that are in store for this podcast!

Oct 1, 2019

On this episode Dave talks about failure and the people who will point out every time something goes wrong.  They don’t understand what you are going through, and they are not willing to make the effort that you are to be successful. Here are some things he talks about:

  • People will mock you for trying and failing, but at least you’re trying!
  • They say “that won’t work” without giving an alternative
  • Imaging if everything worked right in your business; it’s worth it to keep trying
  • You’re just one funnel away!

So listen in to hear how you need to ignore those who mock you for failing, and keep on trying because the rewards will be worth it!

Sep 26, 2019

On this episode Dave interviews John Ruhlin about the power of giving gifts. They discuss being radically generous in your business relationships and how giving gifts can possibly generate connections that you didn’t even know were possible. Here are some things they talk about:

  • Give gifts based on the value of the relationship you have with that person
  • Follow the correct recipe for a great gift
  • Return on relationship, treating people right can advance your business relationships
  • It’s the thoughtful thought that counts… A gift card won’t cut it
  • Let your actions speak louder than your words
  • Instead of putting your logo on your gift, personalize it for the individual
  • The “long game” could take decades
  • How to create a “gift plan”

So listen in to hear how you can use “Giftology” to enhance your business relationships.

Sep 24, 2019

On this episode Dave talks all about the importance of publishing content, specifically a podcast. He has been publishing this podcast for 370 episodes now, and here are some of the things he’s learned along the way:

  • The Importance of a good title for each episode
  • How you should ask for subscribers, it is the fastest way to grow
  • How you need to find your own voice, and then document the journey
  • New ideas on how to grow even bigger!

So listen in to hear Dave’s advice on how and why you should start a podcast and share some of the strategies he’s learned over the years publishing his podcast.

Sep 19, 2019

On this episode Dave interviews Gabe Schillinger about his journey to success selling his music beats online with Clickfunnels. Here are some things they talk about:

  • How Gabe struggled before he discovered Clickfunnels, but quickly became successful after he started using it.
  • How he was able to restructure the “perfect webinar” to fit his very specific niche
  • Why had to raise the price of his highest membership tier

So listen in to hear how it is possible to turn a small niche into a million dollar business.

Sep 17, 2019

On this episode Dave talks about his recent experience signing up for the Apple credit card. He noticed some techniques about be process and wants to share with you how it could be important to your relationship with your customers. Here are some things he talks about on this episode:

  • Apple knows their customer avatar well and their products reflect that
  • People care about your packaging; represent yourself with style
  • If you can increase the emotional excitement of their purchase, it strengthens your bond with the customer

So listen in to hear how you should present your physical products to your customers to strengthen your bond so they will keep coming back for more!

Sep 12, 2019

On this episode Dave shares a funny clip from a video that he likes. It shows how sometimes we might have an obvious problem but rather than address it directly, we try to ignore it and blame something else. Here are some things he talks about:

  • If you know what you’re supposed to be doing, but you’re not doing it, stop and just do it
  • Read the DotCom Secrets and Expert Secrets books, then take the “30 Day Challenge”
  • Publish something every day for 100 days straight
  • If you get stuck on something, hire a coach

So listen in to hear Dave’s advice on what steps you need to take to continue on your path to success in your business.

Sep 10, 2019

On this episode Dave talks about the importance of taking some time to think about what is the most important thing that you should be doing with your time. Here are some of the things he talks about:

  • How Russell Brunson takes the time to think about the content for his books
  • How Steve Jobs took the time to understand simplification
  • Taking time to ponder scripture so you know what questions to ask God

So listen in to hear how you need to break up your busy schedule of constantly working and just take some time to sit and think. Discover the questions that are going to help your business the most.

Sep 5, 2019

On this episode Dave talks about some of the lessons he learned while spending an evening with Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, and Russell Brunson. Here are some of the things he learned:

  • No matter how big and famous you get, stay humble
  • Dig your well before you are thirsty
  • Provide a massive amount of value without expecting anything in return
  • Go above and beyond
  • Spend your valuable time with “A players”
  • Engage in quality “one-on-one” time with people

So listen in to hear some of the awesome advice and lessons that Dave was able to learn from some of the top business leaders in the world.

Sep 3, 2019

On this episode Dave talks about the importance of putting in the work to achieve your goals. For example: you can’t have the title of being a published author without going through the process of writing a book. Here are some of the things he talks about:

  • He wants to be a good piano player, but he doesn’t have to time or discipline to put in the required work
  • Are you willing to do the verb that is associated with the noun that you want?
  • It takes way less energy to keep a ball in motion and way more energy to start a ball rolling

So listen in to hear some advice on how you can accomplish your business goals by taking action and doing the verbs you need to do to get the nouns that you want.

Aug 29, 2019

On this episode Dave interviews Brandon Poulin about his success and some of the tips that he uses to effectively scale his business. Here are some of the things they talk about:

  • How to identify who your leaders are (they will let you know)
  • Give them some freedom to do things their way, but keep them accountable
  • Metric based leadership (letting the numbers show where things are working or not)
  • How to know when to scale
  • How to transition into a leadership/ceo role
  • How to survey your customers so that you know how to serve them better

So listen in to hear some expert advice on things you should know when you are growing your business.

Aug 27, 2019

On this episode Dave talks about the concept of a “rite of passage”, which is basically an event or a task that someone must go through to gain knowledge and experience. Here are some of the things he talks about:

  • How is own processes of losing almost everything prepared him to be a better entrepreneur
  • You may not be doing your dream right now, but doing what you are doing right now, may allow you to get to your dream
  • There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and it’s not a train!

So listen in to hear how you should not be afraid of your own rite of passage and appreciate that it is just going to make your stronger and better in time.

Aug 22, 2019

On this episode Dave interviews Daxy Perez about what he has found to be the foundation of a successful podcast. Here are some of the things you’ll learn on today’s episode:

  • Regret is worse than failure
  • Understanding who you are, how you are unique
  • Understanding your market
  • Knowing your avatar (your ideal listener)
  • Knowing your unique message
  • Make the biggest boulder you can throw (so it has a big impact)
  • Train your listeners to take an action
  • Re-purpose your content (start with video if possible)

So listen in to hear some tips and advice on what you can do to have a successful podcast.

Aug 20, 2019

On this episode Dave talks about some of the disadvantages of being in first place. You may be there first, but everyone behind you has the ability to learn from your mistakes. Here are some of the things he talks about.

  • His regret over having one of the first homes built in his neighborhood
  • How Clickfunnels benefited from looking at competitors products that came before
  • How Apple looked at all the shortcomings of everything that came before it to develop the iPhone

So listen in to hear Dave explain why it might be better to be second place in business and why you should keep an eye on what your competitors are doing wrong as well as what they are doing right.

Aug 15, 2019

On this episode Dave talks about some of the lessons he learned by watching Kevin O’Leary at a recent event. Here are some of the things that he talks about:

  • Time is your most valuable resource! You can’t buy more time.
  • Be in control of your state. Stay calm and stay positive
  • Take time for people. Treat them with respect.

So listen in to hear all the lessons that Dave picked up, just by observing Kevin and seeing how he handles his time, attitude, and personality.

Aug 13, 2019

On this episode Dave interviews Anthony Truck about different aspects of your identity and what you can do to shift from where you are to where you want to be. He compares it a vehicle that needs to shift gears when it starts working harder than it can handle. We need to make a shift in our identity to be able to move to a higher gear. Here are some things you’ll hear about in this episode:

  • How your ego can be an obstacle that holds you back from trying new things
  • How your programming might be bad and why you should update it
  • Why we need to set uncomfortable goals to help us get out of our comfort zones
  • And why you need to “own your shit”

So listen in to hear Anthony and Dave talk about income identity and share some advice on how to achieve your goals.

Aug 8, 2019

On this episode Dave interviews Alex Hormozi about his concept for a hybrid sales strategy. Instead of just selling offline or online, Alex is combining both ways and benefiting from all the positive aspects and none of the negative. Here are some of the things you’ll hear about on this episode:

  • Why it is so important to learn how to market and sale
  • Knowing your “plan B” helps you tackle your irrational fears
  • Why failure is actually just a part of your story and why you shouldn’t fear it
  • How either you are growing or your business is growing
  • And how to take 100% responsibility for the skill sets that you lack

So listen in to hear all the valuable information and advice that Dave and Alex share and find out how hybrid sales could help your business.

Aug 6, 2019

On this episode, Dave talks about the importance of going all in on your goals and dreams and how he likens it to “committing like a pig”. Here are some things you’ll hear on this episode:

  • How his son Christian is committing to serve a mission for his church for two years
  • Quitting your job and committing to something else if it’s the right thing for you
  • But don’t quit unless you have a savings safety net first and your significant other is on-board with your decision!

So listen in to hear what it means to “commit like a pig” and follow your dreams relentlessly.

Aug 1, 2019

On this episode Dave talks about the importance of knowing your numbers. How it is not only important to know how much money it costs you to acquire a customer, but how much money it will take to keep that customer. Here are some of the things he talks about:

  • How to use “Front End Funnels” to gain customers for very little money
  • Why you should learn some “Stick Strategies” to help keep your customers longer
  • And how and why you should focus more on customer retention

So listen in to get some expert advice from Dave on how you can scale your business even more by knowing how and where to focus your time and energy.

Jul 30, 2019

On this episode, Dave interviews Jonathan Soares, the CEO of Agency Labs, about what “social selling” is and why it is important. Here are some of the things they talk about:

  • Jonathan’s collection of weird socks
  • How Jonathan went from selling sauce to software
  • How he uses LinkedIn and other social media sites to build clients
  • Why micro-solutions can help you save time and money

So listen in to hear how the concept of “social selling” can help you and your business.

Jul 25, 2019

On this episode, Dave talks about Steve Jobs’ commencement speech at Stanford University in 2005 and how it relates to Dave personally and as an entrepreneur. Here are some things you’ll hear about:

  • How you can connect the dots of your past choices to see where you’ve been
  • Why you need to find what you love and do it no matter what
  • Why Dave decided not to go to medical school at the last minute and how he feels that decision has changed his life
  • The importance of sharing and creating an experience with others

So listen in to hear Dave’s take on Steve Jobs’ famous speech and how he tries to implement the lessons and principles into his daily life.

Jul 23, 2019

On this episode, Dave interviews Melanie Knueven, Russell’s executive assistant, about her role in the Clickfunnels company. From her work organizing massive events with thousands of attendees all the way down to organizing Russell’s desk, she is very important in keeping the company running like a well oiled machine! Here are some of the things they talk about:

  • What Melanie thought about Russell when she started working for him (it’s not flattering)
  • Melanie’s strategies and ideas on how to make your events the very best
  • What it’s like working for a high energy entrepreneur (Russell)
  • And the importance of personality assessments and what traits are the best for an executive assistant

So listen in to hear some fun stories about working for Russell, some advice on running events, and what you should look for when you are hiring an executive assistant for your company.

Jul 18, 2019

On this episode Dave talks about the struggles of balancing your personal life and your business life while you are on vacation. You need to be able to shut work out during family time, but then there should also be time to keep your business life healthy. Here are some things you’ll hear about:

  • Start with quality family time first instead of work
  • Communication is important, let your family know about work breaks ahead of time
  • Mealtime is a must, and phone time should be limited
  • Cluster business items together so you can clear them all out in one block of time
  • Remember the importance of being present!
  • Show your kids that you are not always working, spend time with them

So listen in to hear a ton of advice on how you should divide up your work and play time while you are on vacation so that you can hopefully keep everyone happy and keep your business healthy.

Jul 16, 2019

On this episode, Dave talks about Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s success story. At one point he had less than $7 to his name, yet he was still able to become successful. Here are some of the things you’ll hear about in this episode:

  • Always remember your “$7 bucks” story, even after becoming successful
  • Realize that sometimes you don’t know what’s in store for your future

So listen in to hear how you can focus harder on your goals if you are able to see the value of your own “7 bucks” story.

Jul 11, 2019

On this episode Dave interviews two of his sons, Chandler and Parker, about the lessons they have learned from Dave throughout their childhood. Here are some of the things you’ll hear about:

  • Celebrate the small things, and don’t forget to count your blessings
  • The importance of learning, listening to podcasts, reading books, etc…
  • How to appreciate the real value of money

So listen in to hear Dave and his boys laughing and joking about some of their childhood stories and some of the lessons they have learned from them.

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