John Lee Dumas is the guest on this episode of ClickFunnel Radio. John and Dave have a long history of friendship and they discuss affiliate marketing the importance of knowing your customer avatar. When you pay attention to who your ideal customer is, the rest of your business goals will follow suit. Be sure to check out John’s Podcast, Entrepreneur on Fire
In the episode, Dave discusses setting goals and meeting those goals. He reflects on all the goals ClickFunnels and so many Funnel Hackers have reached and all the goals that are yet to come.
In this episode, Dave interviews Tom Shipley while on the ClickFunnels coaching cruise. Tom and Dave discuss how success in health, wealth, and happiness can come from “Gut-uity”, which is using gut instinct with intuition. There are opportunities and passion that we have and a key is to listen and seek those out.
In this episode, Dave interviews Ayelet Shipley while on the ClickFunnels coaching cruise. Ayelet is newer to the ClickFunnels community and she discusses her mindset change and how she realized that you can use marketing tools to help many and how it can be so much more than marketing, business, and making money.
In this episode, Dave interviews Eileen Wilder while on the ClickFunnels coaching cruise. Eileen Wilder comes from a ministry background and now runs a very successful coaching program. She discusses her concept of the four one day cash machines:
You may not have the answers and the complete business plan mapped out but when you have the passion and the desire to help people all you really need to do is just start.
In this episode, Dave shares his marketing discoveries and what he noticed from visiting the island, Labadee. First, there was ‘pre-framing’ by welcoming guests as soon as they departed the ship by making them feel safe and happy. Then there were a variety of upselling opportunities such as renting a cabana. And the marketplace was like the ideal 'live' funnel by walking through and having shop owners literally walking them through a value ladder. Whether your customers are live or online you need to be aware of how to connect with them and provide them value.
In this first episode for 2020 and the start of a new decade, Dave is broadcasting from Haiti on the ClickFunnels 2 Comma Club cruise. He reflects back on the last ten years, where he currently is and what he is focusing on becoming in this decade. Dave reviews his goals and in order to obtain them, you need to “remember the why” and go through the journey of transformation.
In this episode, Dave revisits some of his past struggles in business, marketing, and sales and how important it is to just keep pushing forward. Let your own light shine to succeed and realize what you learn along the journey is what gets you to your goals.