We are excited to have Josh Hobbs, Social Media Manager for ClickFunnels, as the guest on this episode. Josh and Dave explore tips and tricks of the different social platforms, including getting new users, increasing engagement, algorithm changes and the importance of building an attractive character. One of the most important tips that works for ClickFunnels is to create engaging content that is authentic to you.
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Sarah Morrison, Director of Coaching at Clickfunnels, is our guest on this episode of ClickFunnels Radio and it is long overdue. She helps Two Comma Club X members utilize sales funnels in their own businesses in order to achieve maximum impact.
Sarah and Dave review what defines success and how it is different for each individual and the different actions steps needed to meet your goals.
Connect with her on Instagram @thesarahmorrison or via her website sarahmorrison.com
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We are fortunate to have Dr. Benjamin Hardy as our guest on this episode. He is an organizational psychologist and bestselling author of Willpower Doesn’t Work and Personality Isn't Permanent.
His blogs have been read by over 100 million people and are featured on Harvard Business Review, New York Times, Forbes, Fortune, CNBC, Cheddar, and many others. He is a regular contributor to Inc. and Psychology Today and from 2015-2018, he was the #1 writer in the world on Medium.com.
Dr. Hardy and Dave discuss the idea of who not how, the avenue to create freedom, and shifting to a ‘results economy’. The insights given during this episode is pure gold. And the idea of ‘the view of the future we have drives our present.’
To learn more be sure to get the book: Who Not How
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2 Comma Club award winner, Eric Thayne is the guest this episode. He is a filmmaker and entrepreneur, and founder of Cinema Mastery, an international online community for filmmakers. His resources, courses, and coaching programs help videographers to create high-quality cinematic work, build a portfolio, and attract high paying commercial clients. His programs have been taken by over 13,000 filmmakers from more than 100 countries around the world.
Eric and Dave dive into how to develop offers, value ladder, knowing your avatar and self liquidating offers. People want more offers, products, service from who they know, like and trust.
To learn more be sure to check out cinemamastery.com and the following:
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We are excited to have Shanda Sumpter on this episode! She is a dynamic speaker, trainer, and renowned business coach. She's a wife and mom with plenty of time for family, self-development, and rest. She is the Queen Visionary of HeartCore Business which is the tool that gives entrepreneurs the systems they need to transform their financial lives and the world.
Dave and Shanda discuss the importance of giving and managing your time. There are so many aspects to generosity; from leadership, self perception, building momentum and so much more.
To learn more be sure to check out any and all of the links below!
Website: http://www.heartcorebusiness.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shandasumpter/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HeartCoreBusiness/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/shandasumpter/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shandasumpter
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV
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In this episode Dave discusses Moments in the Middle and the things that impact your life and identifying the importance of growing through your experiences.
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2 Comma Club award winner and #1 International Bestselling Author, Lauren Golden is the guest on this episode. She leads The Free Mama Movement and a thriving community of tens of thousands of women who don’t want to choose between family and financial stability. Her mission is simple: Lauren wants to ensure that no mother ever has to sacrifice time with her babies in order to provide for them. In her book, The Free Mama: How to Work from Home, Control your Schedule and Make More Money, she shares her own story — along with plenty of practical advice for anyone looking to leave the 9-5 behind and make a real living from home.
Lauren and Dave review the ways to find balance between being a mom, wife and career and that you don’t have to choose between family and financial stability.
Check out thefreemama.com for more information.
And follow here:
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In this episode Dave reviews the concept of excuses, how easily they can stop one from achieving goals and ways to work around certain types of hurdles.
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Leila Hormozi, co-founder of Gym Launch with her husband Alex Hormozi has helped to build 3 different companies valued at over 9-figures. They are continuing to expand their product/service offerings. Leila has become known for her skills in leadership and management, and is frequently called upon by other business owners for her wisdom.
Leila and Dave discuss the importance of commitment to oneself, growth, and goals in order to build up yourself, your business and relationships. For Leila, figuring out the frameworks surrounding these pieces are key. Before making important business decisions she asks herself the following questions:
What would an investor think?
What would a CEO think?
What would a frontline teammate think?
What would a client/customer think?
Hopefully the tips for this inspiring episode help you and if you would like to learn more be sure to follow @leilanhormozi
Breynan Hammons, a ClickFunnels 2 Comma Club award winner, who is best known as the Founder, CEO, and face of Innvio, a nationally award-winning digital marketing agency. In 2014, Breynan co-founded RevuKangaroo, a software company that automates the collection of online reviews from customers.
Breynan and Dave discuss how to successfully sell high ticket offers through a VIP Day.
To learn more be sure to follow Breynan on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/breynan