Shanda Sumpter has cracked the code on how to fill LIVE events. She filled her live event in less than 7 weeks. The best part is more that 70% of the attendees were signed up because of her clients. Shanda has mastered the ability to be authentically generous without ulterior motives and yet draws so many people into her business as clients and raving fans. She reveals the secrets to scale businesses rapidly without sacrificing your life, family and health.
Calvin Wayman reveals his 3 secrets to how you can become a contributor to any major publication in less than 90 days. He details the step by step process he went through to writing, publishing and becoming a recognized author in less than 2 months. He also reveals what the 4 C's to Social Media Marketing are and how you can use the to stand out from the 97% of the crowd even if you have never made a social media post yet.
Calvin was voted one of the Top 30 Under 30 Entrepreneurs this year and he has only been an entrepreneur for 18 months. Calvin is a recognized published author, contributor to Entrepreneur, Huffington Post and a Social Media Icon.
Liz helps business owners create their own lifestyle brand. As a mother of 4 she has learned how to juggle life demands while building a business that is bigger than just her. She discusses the 4 steps every business must go through when leaving the solo-preneur space and becoming a real business owner with employees without sacrificing the brand and reputation it takes so long to build.
Justin is the Co-founder and CEO of This is the first RoboAgency SAAS company that is helping small to medium size businesses compete in the big leagues of paid traffic. Justin discusses the metrics business owners need to be paying attention to especially on Facebook. He also shows why cupcakes and kitty cats can be the largest source of traffic into your sales funnel.
Personal Finance is different for entrepreneurs. No one understands this better than NY Time Best Selling author and financial guru to thousands of business owners, Garrett Gunderson. In this quick episode he reveals the secrets to how business owners can make more but more importantly keep more in such an easy simple to understand way, that no matter what your level of financial literacy is this will make complete sense. It will be the most profitable 30 minutes you invest.
Ed Dale is the creator of "The Challenge". This is a 11 year old system for making your first dollar online to making your first 6 figures online. He reveals the secrets to finding the pains, gains and 'jobs to be done' your clients are begging for, but wont tell you. These secrets are the holy grail to "getting the attention" of your prospects and clients. This is how the "big boys" build real business. If you want to learn how to create products, get your emails opened but most importantly scale a business for the long term this episode is for you.
Want to know how Russell gets his funnels created? Here is the guy behind the scenes doing a lot of the work. He reveals what it takes to rapidly build funnels that convert and make money. He gives his step by step process on how to funnel hack like a pro even while you may still be in school or working for someone else. He explains the success he has had so early in his career but more importantly what you can do to create even greater success for yourself and your business.
Direct Response Marketing Legend, Brian Kurtz has bought over a Billion dollars of media. He created a 9 Million person mailing list WITHOUT using the internet. He reveals on this podcast his secret "O" to "O" to "O" method of maximizing the return on his investment in list building. He discusses his Christmas cards in July process of staying in front of your competition. Lastly he gives away his 30 year old swipe file of the best kept marketing headlines, videos and sales letters.
Bryan Bowman was an amateur golfer who became a millionaire selling products on Amazon. His now coaches 7 and 8 figure Amazon sellers on how to take their business to the next level. More importantly he has discovered the secrets to helping Amazon sellers diversify their lead and product flow to help take their businesses to the next level.
He has become a Certified ClickFunnels Consultant and is using this skill set to work with entrepreneurs in more niches than just eCommerce. His years of experience have helped him navigate the eCommerce landmines and build a massively successful consulting business.
James Friel is a former rocket scientist turned entrepreneur. He specializes in taking massively complex ideas and simplifying them into very easy to understand and achieve tasks and ideas. He reveals in this episode the secrets he has created to get the very most done in the least amount of time while avoiding chaos. He reveals how to wake up each day with Zero emails in your inbox and so much more.
Andrew O'Brien [The Publicity Guy] is a master at getting major media coverage without knowing anyone. He has built a media empire and on this episode he reveals the strategies he uses to help his clients get media exposure in Forbes, Inc, Entrepreneur, Huffington Post and many others. More importantly he tells you everything you need to do to get the same result without spending a fortune on expensive PR firms.
Russell Brunson is the master at selling High Ticket Coaching products. In the episode we reveal the step by step secrets on how to create high ticket sales funnels that convert. We discuss when to use high ticket sales funnels and how to drive leads in to your funnel for pennies and most for free.
Webinars are the fastest way to quickly build your business. Too many people screw webinars up and never make any money. We reveal the step by step process of creating the webinar funnel, how to build out the funnel and how to sell on the funnel.
Alon Shabo reveals how he created a $1,403 Facebook Ad Campaign that generated $223,000 in Revenue in less than 3 months. He is a master at creating real life scarcity. He discusses the power of how pushing people away actually draws them closer. He discusses how to generate leads that are begging to give you money.
Email to turn your emails into Gold. Daniel Levis is a master at structuring emails in a way that is totally captivating to the reader. He reveals his "SOD-PC" formula on how to engage the reader in a way that they look forward to receiving, reading and reacting to your emails. He shows why in all of the craziness of social media, email marketing is still the best way to get people to buy your product or service.
Learn the secrets to trip wire offers. How we made $32.10 for every Dotcom Secrets Book we gave away. We reveal in this podcast how and when to use an order bump. The 2 metrics you must know to create and scale any offer. You can also see the video of it on our YouTube channel under FunnelHackerTV.
JG Francoeur is best known for his ability to simplify marketing strategies that can double your sales and triple your profits. He reveals the strategies he has used to help over 300 people create instant credibility in their specific niches. He also discusses how to create partnerships that work and are mutually beneficial.
Tom Morkes just set a Guinness World Record for the longest continuous audio content seminar. He reveals his secrets to attracting Joint Venture partners and affiliates. He is a master at providing value to his partners. He also discusses the latest trends in online summits and how you can use them to grow your business and your list.
John Assaraf is one of the leading behavioral and mindset experts in the world. You will hear him discuss some of the most advanced brain training programs in the world to help individuals recognize and release the mental or emotional blockages that keeps them from achieving their life’s biggest goals and dreams. He discusses the principle of "innercise" and why it has become the key to his success and why it will be your key too.
No one knows numbers like Todd Brown. More important he knows the numbers that matter the most when you are trying to build, grow and scale your business. He reveals the 3 secret numbers you must know to turn your product int o a real business instead of just a hobby.
Michael Hauge has decades of Hollywood experience working script writers and story tellers. He has compiled all that he has learned over his career and now uses that knowledge to help entrepreneurs and business owners craft their stories to sell more of their products and services.
On this episode he reveals his 12 Elements to Effective Story telling that will help you convert prospects to raving buyers.
Snapchat is becoming the fastest way to build a following of rabid fans who are dying to buy what you have to offer. Kaelin and Brandon Poulin are masters at using Snapchat. They were just interviewed by Russell Brunson. He drills them on everything regarding Snapchat.
This is a "must listen to" episode if you want to learn how to use Snapchat in your business. Because of this interview and the conversations that led up to it is why at ClickFunnels we are using it everyday. You can follow Russell on Snapcat at russellbrunson
Alex Mandossian reveals why the your customer's cost of inaction (COI) is more important than their return on investment (ROI). He reveals the secrets he has found over 20 years of business.
Brad Hart and Miguel Hernandez are the masters at creating online courses and marketing them. Miguel is known for being the King of Udemy. Together with Brad they have found the fastest way to create amazing content. But if no one knows about your content it doesn't matter how great it is.
In this episode the reveal the secrets to marketing courses quickly. The key for them is to monetize the content they create. Here you will find out how you can do the same thing with your content and courses.
Marshall is a master closer. Known as the world's greatest hypnotist, he reveals how anyone can use these secrets to close more sales. Marshall discusses "Your moral and ethical obligation" as a business owner.
He also explains why this is the key to your success in business and life. He shows the power of transparency and how it helps you sell more to more people.